Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday Randomness

Just to keep you all updated on the utter fantastic-ness (yes, that's a real word.) that is my life, I'd like to share what I've been up to on this beautiful Saturday.

1. Woke up at 5:17am. Walked around the house. Had a glass of orange juice. Read a line or two of a blog that I occasionally like to read. Realized that it was then 5:39am. On Saturday.
2. Crawled back into bed between John and Zoe. Had a tug, push, scootch (also a real word), elbow to the gut, you just 'charlie-horsed' my thigh fight for some space and some blankets.
3. Slept until 9:13am, when I received a text message from my son, asking me to guess what time he woke up this morning.
4. Answered text with, "IDK, Austin. But I can tell you that I was asleep until exactly 30 seconds ago."
5. Discussed Austin and Ashley's breakfast menu choices.
6. Inquired about the lack of bacon in Austin and Ashley's breakfast choices.
7. Made a "Dirty Dancing" reference to Ashley.
8. Had some coffee, despite the fact that I could not properly pronounce the word, coffee. Instead calling it, "coffa". Twice.
9. Started laundry. Check to see if some sort of miracle happened and my broken dryer got fixed. It has been broken for about four months. We've been carting baskets of wet clothes to the laundry mat to dry. It's still broken. This is probably the tenth time I've checked, just to be sure, in case it suddenly decides to start working again. *side note* Please pray for a miracle. Would someone please break into my house and fix the stupid thing already? Also while you are vacuum filters need replaced and there's a leak in the bathtub drain. Many thanks.
10. Rescued a sock from between the washing machine and the broken dryer with the broom. You are welcome, Brianna Abramo. Remember who takes care of you, k?
11. Read a blog that made me contemplate paying for cable. Yes, we live in the dark ages over here. Color me cheap, but I don't wanna pay for the joys of having Zombie children and STILL have nothing good to watch on television. Except...Sons of Anarchy? Maybe....just maybe.....I'm a season behind because Netflix is a butt face like that. There's an Opie thing....I just don't know. Maybe. I mean, I'm bringing home the bacon now. (Turkey bacon, but still.) I could....
12. Just realized I have now made two references to bacon in this post. Perhaps some lunch should be next on my list?
13. Had a pre-Thanksgiving pre-planning conversation with my sister in law. Made plans to do the actually planning pretty soon.
14. That's it, folks. That's all there is. It's 12:03pm, and I'm still in my pajamas.
15. Because I have OCD a little and I can not have 14 things on my list, you get number 15. Nope....nothing. That's all. Be jealous. This IS my dream, and I am living it.